Dealers Of Construction Chemials

1. Polyalk EP: Used to repair cracks, bonding of RCC to RCC, Pressure Grouting and polymeric modified mortar.
2. Polyalk WP: Used for waterproofing of Roof Tops (Sloping, Flat) and Toilets.
3. Rusticide: Used to remove rust from rods.
4. Polyalk Fixoprime: Used to prevent rust from forming again.
5. Hack Aid Plast: Used during hacking or bonding between old concrete and new plaster.
6. Polyatancrete NGT: Used During Concreting when high strength is required and water to be added in mixer is less. It also helps in waterproofing and reduces the shrinkage cracks.
7. Polyfill AR: It is a acrylic crack filler, used to fill cracks. Advantages: No need of opening cracks and no need of curing. Disadvantages: Cannot be used for Structural Cracks.
8. Sunplex: It is used to prevent the shrinkage cracks. To be used when water required for curing of plaster is less or scarce.
© Website Created By Jason Mascarenhas